Creme Brulee Recipe

Military Coupon Savings

Creme Brulee

Name: Kelsey Popp
Base: Pearl Harbor, HI
Recipe: 2.5 C whipping cream 1/2 C milk 6 egg yolks 3/4 C sugar 2 tsp vanilla 2 Tbsp dark rum (optional) 1/3 C sugar In saucepan, heat cream and milk on medium until bubbly on edges. In bowl, beat yolks, 3/4 C sugar, vanilla. Slowly mix into the hot cream mixture, add rum. Place 8 custard cups in baking pan. Fill them evenly. Pour hot water into the pan 1/2 way up the sides of the cups. Bake at 350, 25-30 minutes, until custard is set in the centers. Cool on wire rack. Cover and chill cups 1 hr in fridge. When ready to serve, pour 1/3 C sugar evenly on custards. Broil in oven until carmelized. ENJOY!! Makes 8 custards.