Appelstrudel Recipe

Military Coupon Savings


Name: Nathalie Spanu
Base: Ft. Eustis
Recipe: for the dough: 10-1/2 oz. bread flour l/6 oz. salt 1-l/2 oz. vegetable oil 5-1/3 oz. water, lukewarm for the filling: 4-1/2 lb. apples (Golden Delicious), sliced 5-l/3 oz. granulated sugar 1-1/2 oz. dark rum (Myers) 5-1/3 oz. raisins 1/8 tsp. ground cinnamon 2 lemons (juice and peel) for the buttered breadcrumbs: 10-1/2 oz. butter (unsalted) 10-1/2 oz. bread crumbs Knead flour, salt, oil and water into a medium-firm dough. Divide into 3 small round loaves, brush each loaf with melted butter and let sit for 1 hour. Peel, core and slice apples. Mix in granulated sugar, raisins, grated lemon peel, lemon Juice, rum, cinnamon and blend together well. Roll the dough loaves with a rolling pin, then stretch rolled dough on a strudel sheet with the backs of your hands. Coat 2/3 of dough sheet with buttered breadcrumbs, spread apple filling over remaining 1/3 of dough. Tear off edges, shape strudel into roll by lifting strudel sheet. Place strudel on a buttered baking sheet and brush with melted butter. Bake strudel for 60 to 90 minutes in a 400 degrees F to 425 degrees F oven.