Beef and Broccli Stir-Fry Recipe

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Beef and Broccli Stir-Fry

Name: Caitlin Davis
Base: Ft Rucker
Recipe: 1 tbsp vegetable oil 3 cups of broccli flowerets 1 lb. boneless beef cubes, cut 2 tbsp soy sauce into bite size pieces 2 tbsp lemon juice 8 oz fresh mushrooms sliced 2 tsp cornstarch In large skillet heat vegetable oil. cook beef cubes until done. Add mushrooms and broccli. Saute with beef cubes for 10 min. or until broccli is tender. In small bowl, combine soy sauce, lemon juice and cornstarch until smooth. Add mixture to beef vegetable mix. Cook on medium heat until thickened. Serve over hot, cooked rice. Serves 4