My White Castle Burgers Recipe

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My White Castle Burgers

Name: Geneva Soliz
Base: Camp Casey
Recipe: 2 lbs. Ground beef 1/4 C. Hot water 2/3 Beef broth 1/4 C. Dry minced onion 3 oz. Strained beef baby food 1 pkg. Hot dog buns Soak onions in water until soft. Mix beef with baby food and broth. Use 1/4 C. meat mixture for each patty, flatten to 1/4' thick and pan fry in 1T. oil per patty on high. Fry 1T. onions under each patty when you flip patty to cook the other side. Cut buns in half, cut off rounded ends. Slip each patty into bun with 2 pickle chips, mustard or ketchup.