Chicken Fried Rice Recipe

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Chicken Fried Rice

Name: Laura Oliver
Base: Fort Lee, VA
Recipe: CHICKEN FRIED RICE INGREDIENTS: 2 bags rice 3 eggs 3-4 pieces of chicken Oil 1 bag mixed veggies Seasoning Salt Goya Adoba (Fish & Poultry) Garlic Salt Garlic Pepper Soy Sauce Sun-Bird Fried Oriental Rice Seasoning Mix DIRECTIONS: 1. Boil water for rice 2. Fry 3 eggs. Put in bowl. 3. Cut up chicken 4. Put oil in the pan to fry chicken. Add seasoning salt, garlic salt, garlic pepper, and Goya Adoba. Fry until brown. Put in a bowl. 5. Fry veggies (Until thawed) with soy sauce, the left over chicken grease, and fried rice mix. 6. After the veggies are thawed, add chicken and eggs. Then add the rice and more soy sauce to taste.