Pesto Chicken Parmesan Recipe

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Pesto Chicken Parmesan

Name: Tamara O'Shea
Base: Patuxent River NAS
Recipe: 6 boneless chicken breasts 2 eggs 1 1/2 cups italian bread crumbs 1 jar spagetti sauce 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese, grated 1/2 cup shredded mozerella cheese 1 medium red onion 1 pkg mushrooms 2 small eggplant 2 small zuchini 1 each red, yellow, green peppers (seeded) 2 tbls pesto 2 tbls wochestershire sauce 1/4 cup red or white cooking wine olive oil italian seasoning Pasta of choice Chop all vegetables into large chunks. Heat 1 tbls olive oil in large sauce pot, add vegetables. Add worchestershire sauce, wine and italian seasoning to taste. cover and simmer on med-low approximately 45 min. until vegetables are soft, add spagetti sauce and pesto. Dip chicken breasts in egg then breadcrumbs and pan fry for 6-8 mins.Put chicken pices in large baking dish, pour vegetable sauce mixture over chicken and top with cheeses. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 min. Cook pasta and serve chicken over the pasta.