
Military Coupon Savings

Name: rhonda dockery
Base: fort.poke
Recipe: dales miranated boneless chicken breast 1-pack of boneless chicken breasts 1-bottle of dales miranating sauce for a small pack of boneless chicken brests or 2-bottles for a big pack Let the chicken brests miranate in the dales sauce for 15 minutes.Then turn the chicken over and let it miranate for 15 more minutes.Once you have let the chicken brests miranate for a total of 30 minutes,take the chicken out of the miranating sauce and put it in a baking pan.I recomand a baking pan that is atleasts 1 to 3 inches deep.Preheat your oven to 300 degress.Put one fourth of a cup of miranating sauce in the pan.Then put the pan of chicken in the stove after the stove has warmed up.Leave the chicken in the oven for 15 minutes then turn the chicken over.Then cook for additional 15 minutes.Then let the chicken cool for no more than 5 minutes.I like dipping the chicken in the sauce while im eating it too.