Khaluah (Homemade) Recipe

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Khaluah (Homemade)

Name: Mike Clark
Base: Keesler AFB
Recipe: If you like white russians you'll love this. Homemade Khalua: 2 quarts water 2 oz instant coffee 8 cups sugar 2 oz vanilla extract 1 fifth or quart of Pure Grain Alcohol (everclear) Bring to a boil 1 quart of water in a pan and add the instant coffee, then let cool. In another pan bring to a boil 1 quart water and gradually add the 8 cups of sugar, stirring to dissolve as you go. Once all sugar is dissolved, set aside and let cool. When liquids are cool mix coffee & sugar water together in large pot, add the vanilla extract and Grain Alcohol, stir and it's Done! Pour into bottles and enjoy! Makes approximately 5 quarts