Tortellini Recipe

Military Coupon Savings


Name: Catherine Koushel
Base: FT. Lewis
Recipe: Two packages of refrigerated Tortellini (I use two i.e. one cheese one sausage / Port. Mushroom one chicken etc) Two packages of the refrigerated Alfredo Sauce, or jarred variety works fine (less expensive and you get more) One to one 1/2 cups fresh Mushrooms chopped thinly One pound of Bacon cut into strips (real bacon salad toppings work well too, and there is no added fat) One cup of frozen peas (defrosted, or lightly cooked in micro to thaw) 3/4 + or - cup of Tomatoes (thinly cut and sliced into strips) Low to Medium stovetop heat: Use a large family size skillet, brown your bacon drain your grease(if using the prepacked salad style go to next step) Add your Tortelini both packages (if using the packaged bacon add now as well) Followed by, the Alfredo Sauce (both), Mushrooms, Tomatoes, and Peas Cook aprox. 15 minutes or until pasta warms and softens depending on your heat, cook medium to low, with lid on stirring frequently. Serve with warm breadsticks, and a salad.