Tofu Lasagne Recipe

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Tofu Lasagne

Name: Trish Gillette
Base: Ft. Jackson
Recipe: Dairy Free Tofu Lasagne Ingredients: 1 Box of Lasagne Noodles 1 Jar Tomato Sauce 1 package of Italian sausage 1 container of soft Tofu 1 package soy mozzarella cheese Spices : garlic powder, onion powder, parsley, oreagano and basil. 1/2 tsp. each. Optional: (1 package of frozen spinach well drained) Preparation: Pre heat oven 350 degrees F. Cook noodles acording to the box directions.(Hint: remember don't cook the noodels completely so they will absorbe some of the liquid in the oven) Break up Italian sausage and fry untill well done. In a bowl smash up tofu with a fork. Place 1/2 tsp. of each spice on tofu. (Or more to taste) Pour sausage over Tofu and mix well. (Add spinach if desired or other vegtables to meat and tofu mixture.) Place a little Tomato sauce in the bottom of a 13 x 9 inch pan. Then layer three noodles, filling, soy cheese and finally a little more sause in the pan. Make at least two layers of filling. The last layer should be noodles, cheese and the last of the sause. Cook acording to Lasagne Noodle box directions about 1 hour, or place in refrigerator for later cooking.