German Potato Salad Recipe

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German Potato Salad

Name: Mary Spence
Base: Dover AFB
Recipe: Preperation Time= 20-30 mins. Serves about 8-10 You will need: 5-10 potatos depending on size Salt/Pepper 1/2 package of bacon 1/2 onion German Vinegar (you can get this at the commissary) Vegetable Oil Directions: In a large pot,boil all of the potatos until soft. Drain then cool. After cooling peel skin off with knife or fingers. Then slice potatos and put them in a large bowl. While you are boiling potatos,cut up onion and bacon into small peices and fry them together in a small pan. Put that in the large bowl of potatos after slicing. Then you add 7 tablespoons vinegar, 7 tablepoons oil. Stir then taste and if you'd like to add more then for every tablespoon vinegar you need to add that much oil. Then salt and pepper to taste. Can either be served hot or cold!!