Potato Soup Recipe

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Potato Soup

Name: Jennifer Hill
Base: MIsawa AB
Recipe: Peel and cut a couple potatoes, cube them in to 2 inch cubes Put in pot and fill water just covering potatoes, put on stove and bring to a boil. while boiling throw in some chopped onion, chopped bacon slices a little salt and pepper. No measurements here, it's strictly to your taste buds. While your potatoes are boiling get a small bowl, a cup of flower and an egg and some milk. Mix together and make a big sticky clump. Check potatoes. if they are soft, reduce to a simmer and add some milk, not too much, and not to little, about a cup or two maybe depending on your desired consistency. Take flower clump and pick it in two peices dropping it in the simmering soup. Let simmer for 2o min or so, and VIOLA! yummy soup. It usually takes a time or two before you perfect your technique, but I was taught by grandma to cook it with out measuring or timing and I messed it up enough times to learn how to cook it the way I like it so practice and ENJOY, when you get it right it's soooooo good.