Hamburger Taco Ring Recipe

Military Coupon Savings

Hamburger Taco Ring

Name: Melissa McGregor
Base: Pearl Harbor
Recipe: 1lb. ground hamburger 1 packet taco seasoning 1 small onion diced 1 tomato diced 2 cans Pilsbury Grand Cresent rolls 1 cup shredded cheese 1 bag shredded lettuce 1 large bell pepper 1 can black olives (optional) 1 cup salsa Perheat oven at 350 degrees. Prepare ground beef like you would for tacos. Open cresest rolls, on a pizza pan unroll cresents, overlap wide part of cresents in a circle on the pan. Spoon taco meat onto wide part of overlapping cresents, top with cheese. Now take tips of cresents and wrap them over, making sure to tuck them under wide part. Bake in oven until cresents are golden brown, about 13-15 minutes. Carefully, move ring to large serving plate. Open lettuce and pour into center of ring. Cut top off bell pepper, remove seeds, and rinse out. Pour salsa into bell pepper. Place bell pepper in center of ring. Sprinkle diced onion, tomato, and black olives on lettuce. Serve with spanish rice and enjoy. Diced chicken can be substitued in this recipe.