Stuffed n' Glazed Chicken Chipotle Recipe

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Stuffed n' Glazed Chicken Chipotle

Name: Diane Alfred
Base: Fort Bragg
Recipe: 4-6 Boneless Chicken Breasts,slit in center to stuff 3 TBLS butter, 1 cup chopped mushrooms, 2 cloves garlic minced, 2 medium Jalapenos diced, 1 cup shredded Co-Jack cheese, 1/2 cup roasted pinones (pine nuts) GLAZE- 1/2 cup red onion diced, 1 cup Orange Juice, 1/2 cup Chicken Broth, 1/2 cup honey, 2 TBLSP white vinegar, 1 can of Chipotle pepper in adobo sauce heat oven to 375' FILLING- roast pinones alone in oven til slightly brown approx 8-10 min., melt butter in pan add mushrooms,garlic and jalapeno and sautee (season to taste)when jalapenos appear soft, divide filling among chicken breasts, add pinones and cheese as top layer of filling inside, close w/ toothpicks, sprinkle add'l cheese over chicken if desired. Cook for 25min. GLAZE-in same pan used to sautee, melt 2TBLSP butter, red onion. Sautee til onion soft. Add OJ, broth, honey & vinegar and boil about 7 min. Add can of Chipotle pepper, let simmer to thicken glaze (very low) until stuffed CKN cooked. Remove toothpicks and and add glaze. Serve.