Chicken-Sausage with Rice and Peas Recipe

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Chicken-Sausage with Rice and Peas

Recipe: Make as you like many things are your choice. I found this online and my boyfriend loved it! Ingredents: 3 tablespoons vegetable oil, 1 onion chopped, 1 celery stick chopped, 1/2 red pepper chopped, 2 cups long grain rice, 4 cups chicken stock ( I only used two- your choice), 1 tablespoon tomato sauce, 3 shakes of Tabasco sauce, 8 ouces cold roast chicken (skinless and boneless), 4 ouces cooked sausage, 3 ouces frozen peas... Heat oil in saucepan add onion, celery, and pepper. Cook over gentle heat until soft. Add rice, chicken stock, tomato sauce, and Tabasco sauce. Simmer uncovered about 10 minutes. Stir in cold meat, sausage and peas, simmer for 5 minutes. Cover, let stand for 5 minutes before serving. Then enjoy.