easy chicken and dumplings Recipe

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easy chicken and dumplings

Name: yvonne siddall
Base: Ft. Campbell
Recipe: 1 teaspoon oil 1 carrot cubed 3 stalks of celery cubed 1/2 white onion cut two cans of chicken broth one cup of cooked chicken flour tortillas cut into squares sweat the veggies.the smaller you cut them the bettter unless you have picky eaters then leave them big so they can pick them out. if there is extra oil, left in the pot use a paper towel to soak it up. add chicken broth. let it simmer until veggies are soft to your taste. add chicken and as many tortillas as you like. remember that it will soak up the broth and expand. let it simmer for about 15 minutes. the broth will thicken with the tortillas. if it's still a little runny, let it simmer a little longer.