baked beans with a 'lil somethin' extra Recipe

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baked beans with a 'lil somethin' extra

Name: yvonne siddall
Base: Ft. Campbell
Recipe: 1 28oz can of bake beans 8 slices bacon 1/2 package polish kielbasa 1 white onion 1 green bell pepper 1 red bell pepper 1 1/2 tablespoon honey mustard 4 dashes tabasco sauce 1 teaspoon garlic powder 1/8 cup brown sugar 1/2 teaspoon black pepper 1 cup self-rising flour 2/3 cup cornmeal one egg butter milk varies depending on the weather mix the flour, cornmeal,egg, and buttermilk to get a bit of a running batter that is thick enough to cover the back of a spoon well, but still runs. put that in the frige for later. cut the sausage into about 1/2 inch cubes. brown them and set them aside. in the same pan brown the bacon. drain fat out if needed, but leave about three tablespoon. add chopped bell peppers to the bacon and bacon fat. keep on stiring it until it starts to brown then add chopped onions. brown those until it is nice and caramelized. add the sausage back in. put all but the can of beans in. dry ingredents first then wet. let the brown sugar melt and stick to the meats. then add the can of beans. let it simmer on low for about 15 minutes with a cover for the flavors to come together. put into a casserol dish top with the cornmeal mix. put it in a 400 oven for about 30 minutes or until the cornbread is brown and cooked through. variations can be done with replacing the sausage with four hot dogs or instead of brown sugar maple syrup could be used.