Shoyu Chicken Recipe

Military Coupon Savings

Shoyu Chicken

Name: Rachel Kiwaha
Base: Fort Bragg
Recipe: 4-6 chicken thighgs (skinless) 1 bunch of green onions 1 cup of good soy sauce Brown sugar salt 3 garlic cloves 1 tsp. of powder ginger Put chicken in a large pot and just add water until the chicken is just covered. Add the soy sauce, brown sugar (to taste, usually about 1/2 cup or 3/4 of a cup) salt, garlic, ginger and boil until chicken is about to fall off the bone. About 45 minutes. Then add onions, boil for a few more minutes and serve over steamed rice. This recipe can also be done in the crockpot. Tastes like terrayaki chicken.