Nut"y" Coffee Cake Recipe

Military Coupon Savings

Nut"y" Coffee Cake

Name: Agnieszka Holer
Base: Ft. Campbell
Recipe: 2 sticks softened margerine, 2 C. sugar, 3 tsp.baking soda, 2 tsp.vanilla, 3 eggs,1 1/2 C.sour cream, 3 1/2 C.flour Nut mixture:1 C. pecans or walnuts(chopped),1 C. sugar, 2tsp. cinnamon Add sugar to margerine and mix until creamy. Add eggs, sour cream, vanilla mix.Add flour & baking soda. Beat well with mixer. Pour 1/2 batter into 12x9 cake pan, sprinkle 1/2 of nut mixture on top. Pour rest of the butter on topand then sprinkle with rest of nut mixture. Bake at 350 for 45-50 minutes. Enjoy!