It was Spring of 1998. March was so beautiful in Florida. the smell of the flowers blooming and the colors of all the bushes blooming their spring flowers. that was also the time of year My husband and I were to have our Child together. We were to be proud parents of a baby Girl.(so we thought) We had ultrasounds during my pregnancy and we found out we were having a Girl. a healthy baby girl. We couldn't wait to the day that we could hold brittany Ann in our Arms. I was scheduled to have a planed C-section and a Tubal Ligation on the same day, march 31st,1998. Little did we know that day would not be filled with the joy and happyness we had longed for as parents. when they took our little boundle of joy out they asked us, "what did you say you were having again?" We said, "A Girl!!" they said, "well No, you have a Boy" We couldn't beleave that it was a boy. our eyes were filled with joy and tears of happiness all at the same time. except that those tears turned to tears of FEAR in about 2 minuted later. Our Son Brandon Michael was having trouble Breathing and I didn't know it but My husband said for me to pray and I asked why and he said Well, dear just pray because I think there is something wrong with the Baby. I did just that. I prayed and the Doctors finished putting me back together and when I was in the recovery room the Doctors said that they found out what was wrong with our son Brandon. they said that he has a very rare birth Defect called CDH. (Congenital Diagphermatic Hernia)only 50% of the cases are found in Altrasound. mine was not one of them. our precouse Son only lived 8 hours that day. it was the most horrifing thing I could have ever gone through. when I think back to that day. the only regrets we have about that day is that we blew our chances to have another child of our own. when I had my Tubes cut that day. it was the worst mistake we ever made. We have now sense recovered from the Death of our Son. it was a long road for our family. We have sense decided to adopt a baby. we have gone through all of the paperwork and everything, now we are just waiting for that call. that call to say we have a baby for you!!! I now long to hear those words. so does my husband and my older daughter.
I can't tell you how well the Military did that day when we lost our son. They did more for us than any other Hospital would do in my opinion. That hospital went out and bought a Roll of Film to take pictures of our son for us after he passed away. they wanted to give us memories of what he looked like and the joys once again after the pain subsides. the Hospital even gave us a keep sake box with different outfits they put him in for the pictures. they said that,"everythng that touched your sons skin, we put in there for you." they went above and beyond the call of duty for us. not only the hospital but the military community as well. we were not able to afford a funeral for our son because that just wasn't something you plane for when you have a baby. you don't ever think that something could ever happen to your new born baby,so you don't plane for these expenses. let me tell you what the military community did for us. they gatherd a collection of money and payed for a 6 thousand Dollar funeral. and my neighborhood gave us enough Food to last over a week. the Military in my opinion is a family that works together and is there for you when they need you. we all go through the daily frustrations of military life. we all make friendships and have to some time or another say goodbye to those friendships. we all know that military life is a choice we make. our spouses serve in the military as active duity. but We dependents also serve as active duity. we are all right up there with our spouses serving our country by giving Support and dedication to our Men and Women and to our military Family Community.
I would like to say thank you for taking the time to read my story. as military community if there is anybody who know of a family that is wanting to but their baby up for adoption. my Husband and I would love to hear from you. Again I would love to see once more the Military family pull together and help make a Dream for us come true.
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